VIN Hub Developing Supply Chain Analysis for Nuclear Energy in Virginia

The VIN Hub recently initiated a project to analyze the nuclear supply chains for both new design advanced reactors as well as the current fleet of large LWR designs and determine which components are at risk and then develop a plan for identifying which components could be developed in Virginia. 

The 2024 DOE “Pathways to Commercial Liftoff: Advanced Nuclear” notes that US nuclear capacity has the potential to triple by 2050. A significant barrier to this potential is the need to expand the supply chain for both fuel and components. This would require commensurately tripling the fuel supply chain capacity. This challenge is further complicated by the range of new technologies under consideration, with each calling for potentially different fuel types.

This project is scheduled to be completed by July 2025 and will provide an analysis of findings and identification of specific opportunities and challenges for specific regions in Virginia and develop a summary of opportunities, challenges, and recommendations for a path forward for strengthening the nuclear energy supply chain, especially for Virginia. The final report will be posted here when complete.

Published: December 07, 2024

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