Bringing the Commonwealth and the nuclear industry together through accomplish advanced nuclear demonstration projects that will promote Virginia’s leadership in nuclear energy solutions for the world’s pressing energy, economic, environmental, and national security needs.


A critical element for the growth of the nuclear energy industry in Virginia is the development of the future workforce. The VIN Hub will provide leadership in creating opportunities for current and future workers to develop critical skills and to gain transferable, industry-recognized skills and credentials.

Research &

VIN Hub will facilitate applied research and technology deployment. By developing multi-physics tools for simulating new designs, in collaboration with industry, the VIN Hub will develop advanced modeling and simulation techniques using machine-learning and virtual reality to aid in deployment of advanced electrical generation technology.

Public Outreach
& Engagement

VIN Hub will promote Virginia as an ideal market for new technology development and facilities. By increasing the awareness of nuclear energy and its impact on Virginia’s economy, VIN Hub will be a resource to promote nuclear power and build support for small modular reactor facilities in Virginia to create a clean, carbon-free world.

What We Do

The Hub’s goal is to integrate highly collaborative research teams, spanning multiple scientific, engineering, and where appropriate, economics and public policy disciplines. By bringing together top talent from across the full spectrum of R&D performers—including universities, private industry, non-profits, and National Laboratories—the Hub will serve as a world-leading nuclear research, engineering, and technology center, solving technical, business, and societal problems – all within Virginia’s footprint.

How is VIN Hub organized?

VIN Hub is organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity with a non-profit mission of scientific research and education. It has a

  • governing board with responsibility for establishing overall operational policies and providing oversight of the operations;
  • technical advisory group that has responsibility for developing the Hub’s technology roadmap and annual research program and
  • key leadership team members that will be responsible for the implementation of the Hub’s work plan.
How does VIN Hub advance electrical generation technologies in Virginia?
  • Prioritizing advanced nuclear energy in electrical generation planning
  • Building small modular or other advanced reactors in Virginia
  • Reaching the Commonwealth’s goal of 100% carbon-free energy
  • Utilizing the core of a small modular or other advanced reactor as a test bed for advanced fuels and materials
How does VIN Hub promote economic development around nuclear technologies?
  • Promoting Virginia as an ideal market for new technology development and facilities
  • Promoting existing Virginia Nuclear capabilities for export
  • Utilizing Virginia’s ports for export of small modular or other advanced reactors
How does VIN Hub promote education around nuclear technologies?
  • Promoting the Energy Career Cluster
  • Supporting community colleges for workforce training and skilled labor
  • Supporting universities for training of engineers and scientists who support the nuclear industry
How does VIN Hub facilitate research & development around nuclear technologies?
  • Promoting advanced technology research
  • Developing a roadmap for the Commonwealth’s carbon-free energy generation goal
  • Partnering in acquiring Federal funding grants


Clean. Efficient. Nuclear.

The VINHub brings together top talent from across the Commonwealth, and serves as a world-leading nuclear research, engineering and technology center, all within Virginia’s footprint. Coalescing Virginia’s nuclear resources into a highly collaborative team spanning multiple scientific, engineering, economic and public policy disciplines, The VINHub is creating the next generation workforce and pursuing demonstration projects that have the potential for patents spin-offs

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